
Well, the Golden Retriever isn't a puppy anymore and the plus one is almost 3. It's craziness here!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Wedding time

Maddy's babysitter, Michelle, got married last weekend.  We had such a great time at her wedding.  Maddy had a hard time at first figuring out who the bride was but once she realized what was going on, she was mesmerized.  She kept running out trying to find the bride and kept an eye on her as she walked around the room.  Then the dancing started and she was running like a crazy lady around the dance floor.  It was quite a night.

 This is what happens when I get her dressed up and ask to take her picture.  She rolls around on the floor.  She stood up and her hair was sticking straight out from static.

So cute...  this dress and sweater are from the mom's garage sale, her tights were hand-me-downs, and her shoes are from mimi (grandma).  Best bargain outfit ever!!

A picture with the bride, what a beautiful bride!!

First Dance

 Maddy watching close and enjoying all the activities!

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