I usually post about the baby or dog but it's time to post a little something about me. This spring I was part of a group of girls on Facebook competing in a weight loss competition. My cousin's wife was a part of it and she is the only one that I actually knew. Money was sent in and although the prize was a great motivator, the support of these girls was great! I lost over 16 lbs and was really feeling great that I was approaching my pre-baby weight. However as I got closer that weight I realized that my body was not the same as my pre-baby body. I always joke about Mommy Jeans from that Saturday Night Live skit and they say "because you're not a woman any more, you're a mom" and I was really starting to realize that things change when you have a baby.... but I only saw the negative in that. I wouldn't say that I was angry at my body and disgusted is way too strong of a word but I was just not happy with this situation. I found myself comparing myself to others and really focusing and critical of weight in general. Until I read this: http://www.kveller.com/blog/parenting/why-am-i-at-war-with-my-post-baby-body/
It is just what I needed... To be reminded that my body created, grew and carried a baby, then gave birth to her, and continued to feed her the best food available for 10 months. And after all that I immediately am at war with it?? And how did I forget that I've just lost a lot of weight and am healthy and happy. And to even think that any negative attitude toward my body and weight in general could be taught to my little daughter made me really take notice. I want to teach her that being a woman is a wonderful and powerful thing. Now, I will never stop exercising or eating healthy, it's just what I do and also what I want to teach her to do. But I will have a little different attitude toward my body and think twice about what I teach her.... We went to the local pool yesterday and I made sure to stop in front of the mirror and point out the two bathing beauties!!
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