
Well, the Golden Retriever isn't a puppy anymore and the plus one is almost 3. It's craziness here!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 1

We started on the babies room today.  Sanded to prepare the walls to paint, removed the outlet covers, and taped off the trim.  We got several paint samples and put them up on the wall.  While Rob was up there Red was exploring the room.  She let out a yelp and Rob looked over to find her nose up to an outlet.  We think she was electrocuted, probably just a mild zap.  She seemed to be fine but raced around the landing and up and down the stairs like a crazy dog!  Rob was out with her later and noticed up near the babies room there was a hole in the siding.  It is up on the second floor and just up from the window. We went up and looked out the window, there are clearly animal clawing type marks around this hole.  I'm worried about a bat!  We have an exterminator called.  So day one working on the babies room, Red gets electrocuted and we have some animal living in the walls.  It should only get better from here.

These are three greens and a blue color that we are thinking about.   It's hard to see the actual colors here but we like the two on the left.  I think I will try one shade lighter for those two as well, it a small room and I don't want it to be too dark.

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